¡Update 2024/09/20¡

Thank you for visiting us.
Regarding the new work gCum Girls Vol.3h
We are very sorry!
Scheduled to be released in late September (around 25th to 30th)
However, it will be postponed until October.

The language can be changed in-game, but
There was a problem with that setup.
The problem was discovered when work had progressed significantly.
Currently, we are hurriedly making corrections and proceeding with the translation.

Due to the current situation, it is difficult to release it in late September, so
It will be postponed to October.

We are very sorry, but
We hope that you will be able to wait a little longer.

I will at least introduce the details of the game.

¡Game overview¡

Pixel art HENTAI RPG
All erotic scenes are animated!
In some cases, you can choose between two modes: movie and pixel art (normal + shadow).


This is a town on a certain continent...

With the blessings of Dite, the goddess who rules over the continent.
The people of this town lived peaceful lives every day.

One night, a young man in town was asleep,
I woke up to a bright light coming from the direction of the mountain temple.

A stone statue of the goddess Dite is placed in the mountain temple.
Feeling suspicious, the young man headed to the mountain temple before dawn...

¡Day and night¡

As you walk through the field, it changes from day to night, and from night to day.

You can see different faces in the city during the day and at night.


You will battle monsters in the field and dungeons.

This game has a level system,
After winning a battle, you can gain experience points.
Once you accumulate a certain amount of experience points, you will level up.

Also, at important points in the scenario
Obtained the ggoddessf blessingh from Dite,
Your ability values will power up.

There is a level system, but the difficulty level is set low.
Even if your level is low, you can strengthen it with weapons, and
Power up with the blessings of the goddess,
The content can be cleared immediately.

¡Main Cum Girl¡


A goddess who has ruled the continent where the main character lives since ancient times.
It usually resides inside a stone statue in a mountain temple.

¡Sub Cum Girl¡


The tool shop's daughter. A pure childhood friend who cares for the main character.


A woman who is a fortune teller. She is sexy and skilled in magic.

Other girls

There is the inn receptionist "Kate" and Melis' younger sister "Emmy".

¡Gender swap¡

In the middle of the game, someone turns you into a girl.

¡Game Over¡

If you lose in battle in this state, a picture will be displayed on the game over screen.

It's a normal picture for a beast, but when you lose to a man......

¡Bunny Girl¡

In some towns there are bunny pubs, and you can even work there.

When you work, you get tips from customers, and what's more...

Once you get used to it, you can invite people yourself.

All erotic scenes are animated!
Movie mode and pixel art (normal + shadow) mode can be selected for the main Dite, sub Melis, and Lamian.

The release date has been postponed to October.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we hope you will be able to wait a little longer.

We will provide detailed information once we begin advertising and trial version production.

